"He was my student, and there's none better in the world... It takes a little ingredient called profound knowledge, and he's got it." W. Edwards Deming "Bill is one of Ed Deming's best known disciples. We used Bill to great benefit... With his work at Ford, and then at General Motors, he became one of the catalysts of the quality renaissance..." Donald E. Petersen, Former CEO, Ford Motor Company "... you were very lucid and presented the information in the clearest language possible... I now wish we had scheduled you for more time..." Bruce J. Hatch, President, Hatch Company "My personal thanks for your help and teaching. Many of us have learned from you as you continue the learning process you started many years ago with Dr. Deming." Robert C. Stempel, Former CEO, General Motors "Bill Scherkenbach did an outstanding job of describing the benefits...of the statistical management approach." Donald E. Troutlein, Former CEO, Bethlehem Steel "It was easy to see, as evidenced by the 700 people in attendance, that America is starting to listen to the teachings and philosophies of Bill scherkenbach..." John Petree, Sara Lee Knit Products "You are regarded as one of the top consultants in quality management in America and you certainly exceeded our expectations. My only regret is that our time was far too short." Bill A. Jackson, Vice President, Bechtel, Inc. "Your book and your talk have helped me to gain a deeper understanding of change". Steve Zablinski, Senior Vice President, Transamerica Insurance Group I appreciate you not only helping us understand Dr. Deming's philosophy but also sharing your own excellent work as well. G.R. Didow, Chairman, The Personal Marketing Company Your presentation has certainly set the stage in our quest to implement quality management. My staff and I thoroughly enjoyed your highly informative briefing. Jose Bolton, Sr., Commandant, DEOMI As always, thanks for everything. Your suggestions, questions, and comments helped. Don Wheeler, Author of The Six Sigma Practitioner's Guide to Data Analysis It was a genuine pleasure meeting and learning from you. Your ideas really stimulated my thinking. Again, thank you for sharing your insights and Deming's about profound knowledge. Annette Wiechert, BUPERS My book is an outgrowth of an operations management class I took at the University of Chicago's MBA program in which a chapter of your book was part of the packet material. That chapter made me want to learn more about Deming, so I bought your book... Your book changed the way I look at the business world, and for that I remain in your debt. Charles M. Cohon, Prime Devices Corp. "Mr. Scherkenbach is one who puts profound knowledge into action for continual improvement of quality of product...service...education and improvement of government." Dr. W. Edwards Deming "Instructor made me feel that he was speaking from experience and not just spouting theory. The a/v media used for the seminar was the most impressive I've ever seen." Christopher Grimmett, YNCS, Joint Staffs "I enjoyed the fast pace and full plate, compared to most TQM sessions. I plan to use some of the theory for mind, body, emotion during my next assignment. John Ives, Major, Joint Staffs "You have helped clarify how we can implement and communicate Dr. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge in a way that makes sense to business and organization leaders." David Buckingham, Quality Development, Inc. "I have know of you for a long time. I read your first book and listed it as a reference in my own book. Your warm and friendly reception was really gratifying." Rafael Aguayo, Author "I very much enjoyed your presentation and heard nothing but positive comments from my colleagues and others in the audience. I was very surprised to see how few of the audience had attended Dr. Deming's four-day seminar. I am sure they benefited greatly from your exposition of his ideas and your development of them." R. J. MacKay, Director, University of Waterloo "I just completed reading your new book and I want to thank you for the work that you did in writing it...I used the book to illustrate some approaches that some folks might use. I think many will find it useful. Paul Batalden, MD, Dartmouth "I have heard nothing but glowing comments in our feedback. I sat in a PEP Government Sector Steering Team meeting this week and it was inspirational to hear the dialogue of members of city government of three local communities sharing in how they might implement principles learned and enhanced at the conference." Terry Malone, Monsanto "I'm a great fan of your work having thoroughly enjoyed both of your books. I return to them often as reference material." Thomas Rosenberry, President & CEO, Willis Corroon "Thanks again for your insights during the morning which broke the deadlock between Honig and Deming. And thank you for all your help and commitment to real transformation of systems for reaching and educating our nation's youth." Alan Blankstein, President, National Education Service "Your presentations also really helped me to gain a greater grasp of the issues involved in bringing about personal and organizational change." Irwin Kadaner, Colgate Palmolive "Your morning presentation was most inspirational; your themes were timely and instructive to our senior staff." Dr. Laurie Broedling, Associate Administrator, NASA "I am almost overwhelmed at the enormity of the task you have undertaken. It is one of the most inspiring and challenging situations I have witnessed. Your conduct at the meetings and your presentation have strengthened my view that you are one of the most articulate, experienced and well thought proponents of the Deming philosophy." Drew Harris, Brooklyn "You did a positively masterful job in reading the "zeitgeist" of CMC and delivering a message to us that was both on-target and genuinely inspirational. We will be a better place as a result of your being with us!" Art Nesse, CMC Corporation "Just a quick note to thank you for the presentation you afforded my senior managers and me on Leadership...The content was impressive, informative, and presented with meticulous detail...The discussions certainly provided me with a broadened view of quality leadership, and I believe your ideas will contribute to achieving our vision of becoming a world-class organization." G.B. Higginbotham, Brigadier General, DISC "Your presentation to the Quality Conference was very enlightening. Thank you. That the dynamics of change consist of three levels: Physical, Logical, and Emotional is a concept that turned a light on for me." Louis E. Astroth, Phoenix "Thanks again for making our seminar a great success. The feedback has been positive." Jay Fine, Vice President, CBS Inc. "May I thank you for your visit to us which provided a most timely and effective start to the introduction of Company Wide Quality...everyone who attended found the experience very worth while and enjoyable and I think many of us are now getting a better feel of the significance and subtleties of Dr. Deming's concepts." R. J. Parkhouse, Managing Director, British Aeorspace "Bill Scherkenbach teaches how to operationalize the Deming philosophy... for me, his best lesson is that change must occur at three levels: physical, logical, and emotional. It is only after the acceptance of new knowledge that we are able to make any significant improvement." Carl Sewell, Sewell Village Cadillac, Author, Customers for Life. "Thank you for the informative presentation you made to the recent Atlantic Fleet General Board. Your TQL presentation was right on the mark and served as a springboard for later discussions." D.R. Morris, Rear Admiral, USN "He's got an outstanding reputation as one of the key guys in the resurgence of Ford in the quality area." David Cole, Director of the University of Michigan's Office for the Study of Automotive Transportation "General Motors is truly grateful for your dedication to quality and for your advice and counsel to me and many, many GM people from all parts of the organization. You have made a significant contribution to our overall improvement in quality." William E. Hoglund, Executive Vice President, General Motors "Thank you so much for sending me the description of the CFO and CPO as they relate to the theory of knowledge. Not only do I appreciate the information, but I plan to frame the information with the envelope that has your name and return address." Dorothy Gill, Vice President, Parkview Episcopal Medical Center "It is always a pleasure to work with Bill. He not only provides what I request, but additional value added services that I didn't think of." Vice President, Austin Energy "Over the years you have been most helpful to the Greenwood community in sharing your knowledge and insights about making a transformation to excellence." Jack Bundy, Executive Vice President, Greenwood Chamber of Commerce "I enjoyed being with you...and congratulate you on your interesting presentation." Thomas J. Murrin, Former President, Westinghouse Energy & AT Group "...any opportunity to interface with Bill Scherkenbach is an opportunity to listen to a great mind." Dan O'Karma, EDS "Your insights were most helpful to us in our efforts to establish a quality support function." John A. Allison, Chairman & CEO, BB&T "Your ideas and experience helped stimulate our thinking on how we manage our business. The examples you used from your work...were especially helpful." R. A. Rabinow, Exxon "Your presentation was outstanding and I have received many complimentary reviews. I thank you for your help in focusing our Aerospace industry on quality improvement." B.P. Randolf, General, USAF "Thanks for helping me to remember that learning was exciting." Melissa Gargagliano, Graduate Student, USF "I just wanted to be sure to reiterate how much I have enjoyed your classes. I want to also make sure you are aware that your teaching and expertise are recognized, respected and appreciated by the faculty and students alike. We are all the better for your having been here (I know I am). " Damian Nastri, Graduate Student, USF "This meeting was the single most important thing that I have done as a manager this year it was not surprising to me that I was able to take so many ideas directly from our class lectures. The meeting was very successful and I owe that success to what I learned in this course. I forwarded my outline to my manager prior to the meeting and he was impressed with the format. I told him I had taken many ideas directly from my QM2000 class. Employee X said that it was obvious that I had put a lot of thought and preparation into the meeting and thanked me for it. She said that, although I had said many things that were hard for her to hear (and she spent the better part of the day in tears) and she wasn't sure how it would all play out, she knew this meeting would be a turning point in her life. She also said she had never fully realized how significantly her behavior was impacting those around her prior to the meeting. I was able to help her come to that realization through appealing to her in physical, logical and emotional terms that she could relate to and understand. " Graduate Student, USF "Clearly, you made an outstanding contribution to our meeting, which should bear fruit in the months and years to come." Alan R. Phillips, Hospital Products Group |
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