Deming Leadership for Quality
In The Digital Economic Age

PURPOSE: To Learn, have fun, and make a difference.  This 2-day seminar will provide you with a better understanding of Dr. Deming's often misunderstood approach to organizational and individual change and equip you with some tools to help you lead the Transformation in your organization.

FORMAT: The seminar includes lectures, videos, computer simulations, group exercises and conversations personally led by W. W. Scherkenbach.

FOOD: A continental breakfast and lunch are included each day.  Special meal requirements are available upon request.

MATERIALS: Participants will receive an e-version (choice of Apple iBook or Kindle compatible) of the 2nd edition of The Deming Route to Quality and Productivity and .pdf of the handouts.  So bring your iPad or Kindle or laptop.


SPECIAL PRICE for the 2 Day Seminar: US$495 per person


Day 1

1AM1 The Foundational Obligations of Management. I present the first 3 of Deming's Obligations of Management that are the foundation of any Quality Management System. I then define process and other key terms needed to bring the class up to a more consistent level to take the next steps.


1AM2 Transformational Change Management. The biggest mistake that any manager can make is to think: "If it works for me, it will work for everyone else."  I present a methodology for accomplishing the Transformation that Deming urged that is broadly based in many disciplines and cultures and applies to both individuals and organizations.  Its framework is a non-hierarchical combination of behaviors, learnings, and values. 


1PM1 Break Down the Barriers to Leadership. There are many roadblocks thrown at Leaders as you try to implement lasting improvements.  I will elaborate on the bigs ones and what to do about them.


1PM2 Institute Leadership. With the barriers out of the way, we will learn ways to quit playing bop-a-mole.  Dr. Deming's Funnel Experiment shows the fallacy and cost of micro-managing. I suggest 6 key questions that will help you be a better leader.

End of Day 1

Day 2

2AM1 Drive Out Fear. I discuss the importance of increasing joy and delight and decreasing fear and anxiety. I present how various management systems can be changed to reduce fear and increase joy, i.e. the appraisal process, the Quality Management System, and other Performance Management processes.


2AM2 Beginning to Make the Transformation. Theory without action is useless; action without theory is costly. I have developed an approach that balances theory with action, short-term with long-term, individual with team. 


2PM1 Red Bead Experiment. The second of Dr. Deming's famous experiments helps you see the waste of time and morale in asking "Who did it?"


2PM2 Accomplish the Transformation. The essence of the Continual Improvement Process is "Quality is made up front".  This CIP details what I consider the most important questions that you must ask if you are to make dramatic and swift improvements in your processes.  The wrong questions can cost you plenty. So would trying to replicate the path that led to the ones I developed. The basis for my 12 Step Improvement Process is Deming's PDSA cycle.  These steps are general enough for universal applicability, yet specific enough to be applied to your unique opportunities for improvement.

End of Workshop

Go Home and make a difference


Please contact Dr. Curt Wegner at 630.253.5325 or to schedule a seminar at your location.

Copyright 2014  WWS Inc.